Integrated Action Plans (IAPs)
An Integrated Action Plan (IAP) is a plan that Arizona schools develop to support the vision of their students and schools. The plan is based on a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) that schools conduct with stakeholders, such as school admin, staff, parents and community members. The IAP addresses the primary needs identified in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and is intended to increase student achievement and strengthen school systems.
The IAP is developed in collaboration with stakeholders to ensure it reflects the local context and needs. The plan should include opportunities for feedback from parents and community members.
The District-level IAP (LIAP) supports the system’s areas of focus as identified and informed by the district analysis of school Comprehensive Needs Assessments (CNAs) and school IAPs.
The School-level IAP (SIAP) addresses areas of need identified by the school’s CNA.
The District Integrated Action Plan, based on school level data, includes a district wide reading goal and math goal for the 2024-25 school year.
Math Goal: In the 2024-25 school year, 75% of Full Academic Year (FAY) 5th-8th grade students in Prescott Unified School District will achieve an average of 80% proficiency on grade level essential math standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
Reading Goal: In the 2024-25 school year, 75% of FAY K-12th grade students in Prescott Unified School District will achieve an average of 80% proficiency on grade level essential ELA standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Abia Judd SIAP
- Lincoln SIAP
- Taylor Hicks SIAP
- Granite Mountain SIAP
- Prescott Mile High Middle SIAP
- Prescott High School SIAP
Abia Judd SIAP
Abia Judd Integrated Action Plan
Math Goal: During the 2024-25 school year 75% of Abia Judd K-4 Full Academic Year (FAY) students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential math standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Daily math intervention groups during WIN time.
- Implement common formative assessments across grade levels.
- Weekly PLC data analysis
- Purchase/create additional materials for the Math Intervention closet.
- MTSS resources utilized for Tier I and Tier II interventions.
- Gap analysis of current math curriculum.
- Begin K-4 Math adoption committee work.
Reading Goal: During the 2024-25 school year, 70% of K-4 FAY students will be proficient in reading as measured by the STAR Early Literacy or Reading Composite score.
- Daily reading intervention groups during WIN time.
- Implement common formative assessments across grade levels.
- Weekly PLC data analysis
- Purchase/create additional materials for the ELA Intervention closet.
- MTSS resources utilized for Tier I and Tier II interventions.
- Gap analysis of current ELA curriculum.
- Investigate additional time for EL students to receive reading interventions.
- Investigate time to have grade level cross over for reading intervention.
- Look at more flexible scheduling across grade levels.
Lincoln SIAP
Lincoln Integrated Action Plan
Math Goal: By Spring of 2025 a minimum of 75% of all Lincoln students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential math standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Adapt practices to the needs of ELA and Math Standards and use of proficiency scales
- Identify and address curriculum and standards
- Provide training and support for differentiation for all student groups, including gifted/high-achieving, below/at-grade-level, and SPED.
- Ongoing LIT/MTSS Meetings to meet and plan for individual needs
- Streamline progress monitoring process to preserve instructional time.
- Through PLCs, teachers will establish high, concrete growth-based math and ELA student goals.
- Students will create and monitor their own learning goals using success criteria.
- Whole-staff biannual review of trilateral plan.
- Engage in ongoing training on new CITW strategies, provided by instructional coaches.
- Teachers will learn and implement adopted curriculum with fidelity, with training and coaching support.
- Teachers will utilize proficiency scales and communicate success criteria during instruction, with training and coaching.
- Train teachers in effective use of Galileo and STAR reports/data.
Reading Goal: By Spring of 2025 a minimum of 75% of all Lincoln students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential reading standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Adapt practices to the needs of ELA and Math Standards and use of proficiency scales
- Identify and address curriculum and standards
- Provide training and support for differentiation for all student groups, including gifted/high-achieving, below/at-grade-level, and SPED.
- Ongoing LIT/MTSS Meetings to meet and plan for individual needs
- Streamline progress monitoring process to preserve instructional time.
- Through PLCs, teachers will establish high, concrete growth-based math and ELA student goals.
- Students will create and monitor their own learning goals using success criteria.
- Whole-staff biannual review of trilateral plan.
- Engage in ongoing training on new CITW strategies, provided by instructional coaches.
- Teachers will learn and implement adopted curriculum with fidelity, with training and coaching support.
- Teachers will utilize proficiency scales and communicate success criteria during instruction, with training and coaching.
Taylor Hicks SIAP
Taylor Hicks Integrated Action Plan
Math Goal: By the end of the 2024-25 school year, 80% of students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential math standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Training on use of math manipulatives
- Purchase more math manipulatives
- Training on & integration of Number Talks with Engage NY.
- Teach students academic vocabulary across all content.
- Schedule regular math collaboration meetings during PLCs.
- Schedule common assessments in math.
- Schedule WIN math time during the school day.
- Examine effectiveness of SPED program location.
Reading Goal: By the end of the 2024-25 school year 80% of 2nd-4th grade students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential reading standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Perform a gap analysis school wide for ELA during PLC.
- Revisit ELA DIGs and pacing for ELA curriculum
- purchase Heggerty Phonics and Writing materials for primary grades.
- Supplement Tier I instruction with vetted resources.
- Revisit Tier III ELA curriculum.
- Restructure ELA WIN time school wide.
- Develop common ELA assessments district wide.
- Use formative ELA assessments effectively across all grade levels.
- LETRS training for additional teachers
Granite Mountain SIAP
Granite Mountain Integrated Action Plan
MATH GOAL: In the 2024-25 school year, 75% of Granite Mountain 5th and 6th grade students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential math standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Continually monitor the implementation of the CITW strategies in every classroom.
- Continue implementing weekly PLC meeting protocols
- Create clear and consistent protocols specific to WIN time ie. planning, resources, determining placement based on data
- Identifying and addressing academic gaps(progress monitoring for Tier I, II & III).
- Continue to focus on identifying priority standards and developing proficiency scales.
- Develop and follow new math DIGs based on new Math curriculum/priority standards.
ELA GOAL: During the 2024-2025 school year, 75% of Granite Mountain 5th and 6th grade students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential reading standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Continually monitor the implementation of the CITW strategies in every classroom.
- Continue implementing weekly PLC meeting protocols
- Create clear and consistent protocols specific to WIN time ie. planning, resources, determining placement based on data
- Identifying and addressing academic gaps(progress monitoring for Tier I, II & III).
- Continue to focus on identifying priority standards and developing proficiency scales.
- Develop and follow new ELA DIGs based on new ELA curriculum/priority standards.
Prescott Mile High Middle SIAP
Prescott Mile High Integrated Action Plan
MATH GOAL: By the end of the 2024-25 school year 75% of FAY 7th and 8th grade students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential math standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Implement standards based learning
- Analyze data from common assessments to identify interventions
- PD focusing on Interventions and extensions for middle school.
- Utilize math interventionist to progress monitor students.
- Create proficiency scales for content areas.
- Align common assessments to priority standards.
ELA GOAL: By the end of the 2024-25 school year, 80% of FAY 7th and 8th grade students will achieve proficiency on grade level essential reading standards by the end of the year as measured by quarterly benchmarks.
- Implement standards based learning
- Analyze data from common assessments to identify interventions
- PD focusing on Interventions and extensions for middle school.
- Utilize math interventionist to progress monitor students.
- Create proficiency scales for content areas.
- Align common assessments to priority standards.
- Solution oriented discussions and decisions
- Revisit goals quarterly with staff using data
- Analyze data from common assessments to identify and provide interventions including data from attendance and discipline
Prescott High School SIAP
Prescott High School Integrated Action Plan
MATH GOAL: During the 2024-25 school year 65% of Prescott High School students in math will show growth and/or proficiency from the 9th grade ACT Aspire to the 11th grade ACT Assessment.
- Creation of common formative assessments
- Implementation of PLC protocols and culture
- Purchase instructional Intervention resources
- Working towards standards based instructional practices.
- Data analysis during team/collaboration meetings.
- Emphasis on student problem solving and academic grit.
- iImplementation and monitoring of common formative/summative assessments, grading, prioritized standards.
- Implement new curriculum support strategies such as differentiation, intervention and enrichment.
- Implementation of student centered and standards based learning
ELA GOAL: During the 2024-25 school year 65% of Prescott High School students in reading and writing will show growth and/or proficiency from the 9th grade ACT Aspire to the 11th grade ACT Assessment.
- Creation of common formative assessments
- Implementation of PLC protocols and culture
- Purchase instructional Intervention resources
- Working towards standards based instructional practices.
- Data analysis during team/collaboration meetings.
- Emphasis on student problem solving and academic grit.
- iImplementation and monitoring of common formative/summative assessments, grading, prioritized standards.
- Implement new curriculum support strategies such as differentiation, intervention and enrichment.
- Implementation of student centered and standards based learning
- Purchase class specific hard copy novels for the English Department.