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Federal Programs and Grants

The PUSD Federal Programs and Grants Department manages a wide variety of federal, state, and local grants and related programs, from entitlement grants based on student numbers and demographics to competitive grants that provide funds for specific initiatives. Below are some of our current grants for the 2024/2025 school year.

Current Grants and Programs

Looking to Fund a Project at Your School?

Check out the updated list of funding opportunities provided by Yavapai County Education Service Agency (YCESA).

CliCK Here To View List


Our Team

Jamie Bjune,  Federal Programs Director
Ellen Bashor, Outdoor Learning Coordinator
Rhette Buller, English Learner Coordinator & Grants Manager
Visit the EL Program page
Victoria Ellis, Farm to School Coordinator
Patsy Miller-Joyce, Grants Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Thompson, Grants Fiscal Coordinator
Judy Stencel, Special Populations Coordinator & McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison

300 E. Gurley Street  Prescott, AZ 86301