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Exceptional Student Services

Special Education

Prescott Unified School District empowers each student for college, career and life success.  The Office for Exceptional Student Services is committed to ensuring that each child leaves school each day feeling successful.  We do this by providing individualized supports, a continuum of service delivery options, facilitating academic and social development and maintaining dignity and respect for each student.

A collaborative effort is required between parents, support staff, and regular educators in order to facilitate the independence and success of each student.

Prescott’s Office for Exceptional Student Services offers a continuum of services to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities.  We promote inclusion by providing these services in the least restrictive environment (LRE) which means to the greatest extent possible, appropriate services are provided in the general education environment. 

Prescott Unified School District utilizes a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) model to identify the strengths and needs of struggling learners.  

The MTSS model focuses on  collaboration between the core members of the student’s team including parents.  This student-focused process analyzes data relative to identified issues of concern, sets individual goals, brainstorms options for intervention, develops an action plan and gathers data to determine the effectiveness of the interventions provided. 

The Office for Exceptional Student Services consists of many staff members offering a variety of services to students. 

The following are staff that provide services for students in the Prescott Unified School District.

  1. Special Education Teachers
  2. School Psychologists
  3. Speech and Language Pathologists
  4. Occupational Therapists
  5. Physical Therapists
  6. Behavior Therapists
  7. Adaptive Physical Education
  8. Social Emotional Counselors


Contact Information

Summary of Child Find Procedures for Parents
Open Enrollment - English

Office for Exceptional Student Services
Phone: (928) 717-3236
FAX: (928) 717-3240

Maya Caldwell
Office for Exceptional Student Services

Chrissy Shumaker
Instructional Coach - Grades PK-4
Office of Exceptional Student Services

Rachael Holly
Instructional Coach - Grades 5-12
Office of Exceptional Student Services

Emily Frankel
Administrative Assistant

Kat Knutson
Records Clerk

Alma Klinefelter
Medicaid Billing Coordinator